Sunday, December 27, 2009

MASC 14~17/12/2009

1st day in MASC.
1st time formal emcee-ing.
1st time talking with 2 microphones for me.
1st time emcee-ing in such a GREAT GRAND opening ceremony.

did i pronounced the always-changing VVIP's names correctly?
yeah yeah i think i did.... Huuu~

loves my parents who love me soooo much that they came to the auditorium just to watch my 1st time emcee-ing. haha.
sneaked out a while to take photos and talked with papa and mummy after the very formal part. another talk was still going on inside the auditorium.

MASC Convention Dinner

the one and only group photos of OC and participants.

PR Queen (our dearest kepala aka aunty toh) and princesses (all our kepala's kakiS and tanganS)

greentea prince the stingy treasurer. i want my contribution and claims back~~
OC group photos.
erm... do we have enough 41 faces?
my pretty big big buddy! sayang me a lot de leh... hehe. proud to have her as my big big buddy :)

that's only part of MASC photos. didn't take any photos on my own so actually all these photos just grabbed from facebook only. wanted to post our MASC great great video clips to stun all of you, but i stupid-ly don't know how to upload video on blog. haha. go visit our MASC blog for the clips, especially our OC clip, click on MASC on my links beside la. hehe. will post more photos up IF i'm able to get them.

while i'm enjoying myself in this 4 days 3 nights MASC, the rest of my family are enjoying themselves too in my brother's graduation ceremony. TOOOOOOO BAD i have to miss the big day. so the next post will be photos of my brother's graduation la...

kaiwei :)

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