Sunday, February 13, 2011

keep this post out of you if you wan a good mood

perhaps, i am thinking too much
perhaps, i am too greedy
perhaps, i am too selfish
perhaps, i am just too self-centered

i only know love can't be shared.
i didn't know friendship does the same to me, for certain people in certain cases.

sharing is caring.
i always blurt this phrase out easily without hesitation
but why am i still feeling bad, like now
but why am i still feeling left out, like now
but why am i still feeling odd, like now

i need a shoulder for my tears.
i need a hug for my weeping.
i need a long night chat to moan my grief.

the shoulder, the hug, the voice, the friendship, which only meant for me.
and only me.
selfish? yes, i am.
greedy? yes, i am.
sucks? yes, i am.

who cares.
i don't care.
and nobody else care, at all.



yan said...

wah sei, so emotional wan you.. must chill abit ma~

Lim He Hui said...

u better dun go down the path i took during college. emotional life is not a good way to live life..

凯微 said...

lol.. dude. when emo time takde phone ringing from u guys to talk talk talk talk... how to cure emo-ness. babi, called back ur house also looked for hehui's mom but not hehui lo... sad~~ lolz...