Wednesday, March 30, 2011

advice, anyone?

it has been some time, erm, few days, since i last posted.

many works are pending in my to-do-list.
many words are forcing to blurt out from my fingers dancing on the keyboard.
many thoughts are running in my mind.

but i seems to be doing NOTHING still.


holiday plan. to work? to learn? or to play? intern? short courses? or famine 30?
intern? i earn the working experiences, but not the joy. i fulfilled my dad's wish, but not myself.
zither? i spend more money, more time. i earn the satisfaction, by doing better on my hobby.
short courses? again, spend more money. but i earn the extra skills. extra knowledges.
famine 30 camp? this is a passion, a promise, an interest, a fervent desire to keep myself involved. but the last thing i wish to see is the disappointment in dad's tone and expression.

advice, anyone?

after-holiday plan. masc. yes, or no?
yes, it is also a passion. but no, i am afraid i've not reach the standard yet.
yes, this is a chance for me to take up a big challenge. but no, why am i throwing pressure on myself again?
yes, have fun working with the juniors again. but no, sleeping 2-3-4-5am life is killing.
yes. no. yes. no. yes. no. blaaarrrrhhhhhhh....

advice, anyone?

perhaps, i really should take a halt and reschedule my brain, heart, mind and soul.
gambate my dear. start moving your legs if you want to walk to the next destination!!!

kaiwei :)

lol. proven.
procrastination, is again, the best time killer...

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