Tuesday, April 5, 2011

decision made...

life is always about choices to be made.
and when it comes to choices to be made,
something annoying pops up...


give give give, take take take.
i hope they worth. i seriously hope they do.
regret, is the last thing i wish to hear from the voices beneath my heart one day later.

well, perhaps, i should convince myself with a thing.
as long as i put my full commitment in committing a commitment,
regret will never comes to me.

yes, i do believe this. just like how i believe life is all about choices to be made.


good luck to myself on the decisions made.

on masc. as well as on famine 30.

the road not taken. i shall cherish the choices made, with all efforts i could, as at least i made the choice, and i knew they will be the right-est choice i can make.

kaiwei :)

let's make it happen together, shall we?

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